Phone Rent Service
Malaysia/Myanmar/Vietnam etc API Chinese Mobile Voice Verfily API
USA Mobile Verfily API  

API Documentation (Chinese number)

Method:POST/GET Suggest use POST
Submit Data:action=xx&parameter=value....


[username] : you username in our system,like
[token] : show at First Page you login, like 9ac2d96d7134bdfe61cba4724e174423
[pid] : Project ID(PID) , found at project list which you want use.
[mobile]: the mobile number you get, like 8615113875319
[author]: This is username of author.If use this,the author will earn 5% that cost,like our system)
[removevr]: Not necessary,Value is 0 or 1 ,Default is 0,if Value is 1,will remove chinese virtual carrier number

All error will response start from Message|
Example: Message|Not got mibile

Every Mobile number that captured need be processed(Get SMS or Add black list).If you get more mobile number,but not got sms or add blacklist.That will be Maximum (limit your threads like 50 numbers) and Failed.If your need more threads,please contact us

If you have block by CDN,Contct us to add your IP to our white list

1.Login and got summary

1) Submit: action=login&username=[username]&token=[token]
2) Return: [username]|[balance]|[points]|[discount rate]|[API thread]
3) Example:|10|10

2.Get a mobile number

1) Submit: action=getmobile&username=[username]&token=[token]&pid=[pid]&removevr=[removevr]
2) Return: [mobile]
3) Example: 8615113875319
4) If Need use number again: with Parameter mobile=[mobile]

3.Get SMS

1) Submit: action=getsms&username=[username]&token=[token]&pid=[pid]&mobile=[mobile]&author=[author]
2) Return: 1|[SMS Content]
3) Example: 1|WhatsApp code 123-456.
4) Do not Request Get SMS Fast , Every 10s is best. Too Fast will be block our system.

4.Add mobile to Black list

1) Submit: action=addblack&username=[username]&token=[token]&pid=[pid]&mobile=[mobile]
2) Return: Message|Had add black list

5.View Mobile List

1) Submit: action=mobilelist&username=[username]&token=[token]
2) Return: [mobile]|[pid],[mobile]|[pid]
3) Example:8613790022817|3,8613790042684|3

6.Project List

1) URL: or[pid]
2) Return: [pid]|[project name]|[country code]-[price]#[country code]-[price]#[country code]-[price]<br>
3) Example: 1|Google|cn-0.20|us-0.60|my-0.3|ph-0.3|hk-0.3|mo-0.3|uk-0.3|za-0.4|id-0.3<br>

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